We offer:
Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego "Przem-Bud" Sp. z o. o. is a Polish construction enterprise. We specialise in industrial buildings, specialistic constructions, buildings of various purposes, drilling in reinforced concrete structures. We are able to offer the uppermost quality due to experienced managerial staff and highly qualified construction workers.
We offer:
- Construction of industrial, storage and public utility premises
- Construction of foundations and industrial buildings in power industry and CHP plants, foundations of turbine sets, silos, tanks, decanters, smokestacks, tunnels, flyovers, foundations of installations and constructions with unusual, complicated and complex shape, technological lines;
- Strengthening, reconstruction, reprofiling and repairs of load-bearing structures
- Execution of chemically resistant, waterproof protective coatings made of epoxy and polyurethane resins
- Acid-resistant floors;
- Demolitions of reinforced concrete, concrete and masonry constructions :
- Dust-free cutting of reinforced concrete, concrete and masonry structures with the use of diamond saws, customary demolitions with the use of pneumatic hammer
- Drill drilling in reinforced concrete and concrete structures
- Construction and modernisations of water tanks, pools;
- Hydroabrasive sand-blasting;
- Drill drilling in reinforced concrete and concrete structures
- Bonding concrete fractures and sealing leaks with the use pressure injection method;
- Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures
- Construction and finishing works
The firm cooperates with the laboratories and entitled specialists in the field of mechnical expert's reports and technology of building construction repairs with the usage of the latest technics.